When you think about the possibility of mold and bacteria growing and multiplying in your HVAC system and then being circulated back into your home is pretty disgusting. We all want clean homes and we expect the air we breathe in our homes to be clean. Those who already have breathing issues such as asthma and C.O.P.D. can be at even greater risk. So what options are available to help keep the air in your home clean? A HVAC UV light might be the right upgrade for you. We will be honest here, you might wonder why everyone doesn’t have one installed after reading this article. Here are some facts to consider regarding the use of UV light and their effectiveness.
Do UV Lights Actually Kill Bacteria, Viruses and Mold?
With COVID-19 and Coronavirus all over the news in 2020, everyone is looking for a way to clean effectively. Pictures of light wands, robots on planes with UV lights and hospitals might make you wonder if it works. The study of UV lights in the use of disinfecting and killing germs and virus goes back over 100 years. So how can light, kill a virus without touching it? Simply put the UV light disrupts the DNA of germs and kills them. If you want to read a little more, there is an interesting quick read from Duke University on using UV light to disinfect.
So the answer is yes it does work in killing germs. No one will guarantee 100% effectiveness, or that this will fix all your air concerns at your home. If you still have large particulars in the air, such as pollen, pet dander and hair, these will still pass through and go into your house. This is where the proper filter and regular changing of the AC filters make a difference. You might have seen in the news that some methods of killing germs isn’t effective against coronavirus. So will a HVAC UV light installed in your unit protect you?